Sunday, September 14, 2014

Kentolochus Rex

The Chevalier Scrog in his journey to the Peak Teneriffe found in one of the caverns of that mountain the head of a giant who had sixty teeth and who was not less than fifteen feet high. The giant Faragus, slain by Orlando, the nephew of Charlemagne, according to the reports, was twenty-eight feet high. In 1814 near St. Gernad was found the tomb of the giant Isolent, who was not less than thirty feet high. In 2590 near Rouen was found a skeleton whose head held a bushel of corn and which was nineteen feet in height. The giant Bacrt was twenty-two feet high.
In 1623 near the castle of Dauohine a tomb was found thirty feet long, sixteen feet wide and eight feet high, on which were cut in gray stone the wards, "Kentolochus Rex." The skeleton was found entire and measured twenty-five and one-fourth feet high, ten feet across the shoulders and five feet from breastbone to back.
But France is not the only country where giant skeletons have been unearthed. Near Palermo, Sicily, in 1516, was found the skeleton of a giant of thirty feet whose head was the size of a hogs-head and each tooth weighed five ounces.

The Appeal, April 8, 1905